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Buck Naked
22 Mar 2022 8:04 am
Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
12,828 posts
B.See » 22 Mar 2022, 6:35 am » wrote: PARENTS??? Who the ****'s attacking PARENTS?? It's not parents driving this FASCIST FALSE FLAG, bub.

But yeah, parents just MIGHT ultimately decide... in ways the REICH may not anticipate.

Progressives are resisting rightwing book banning campaigns – and are winning | US education | The Guardian

Advocates defeated a reactionary measure in Indiana, suggesting a growing backlash against education censorship The right wing in America has spent the past 18 months waging an increasingly vocal war on education, banning books and restricting the discussions teachers can have in classrooms, usually when it comes to issues like racism or sexuality.

That could be starting to change, however, as progressives have won a series of victories in some states, suggesting a backlash against education censorship could be on the way.

The progressive wins are a development that looked unlikely as the right wing, often through organizations with connections to wealthy Republican donors, has introduced bill after bill in states across the country.

The campaign has successfully banned books, predominantly pertaining to issues of race or sexuality, from school districts, while some states have already banned discussion of the modern-day impact of historical racism in the US.
“What we are finding both in the state of Indiana and nationally is that we are losing educators at an alarming rate.

“Some of that certainly is on pay, but that’s not the only thing that is driving the exodus. When you have bills such as this that continue to just be this wedge issue, invading your workspace, folks start looking around saying:
‘These other companies are hiring and I have all of the qualifications.’”

While the right wing has rallied around the issue of classroom censorship, there is little evidence that a majority of parents are demanding a crackdown on what their children can read, or be taught.

In February a CNN poll found that only 12% of Americans believed parents “should have the most sway over which library books are on the shelves and how American history is taught”.

Far from there being a popular uprising against what teachers are imparting to students, the censorship efforts have frequently been pushed by conservative groups with ties to deep-pocketed rightwing donors.
if the libs keeping saying parents have no say in their kids learning oh yea the parents will vote Republican in November hugely 
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